About smells.
If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would sell perfumes in the future, I would have laughed and thought that this person was a very poor oracle. But today, a significant part of www.lotosas.eu's production is about the sense of smell, scents. How and why did this happen? In my spiritual journey, I had to experience and support others during various spiritual and emotional processes and transformations. And for that support, over time we discovered more and more tools that work magically. Interestingly, most of these tools are very fragrant. It turns out that smell often helps a lot to go through processes, to change the state from despair to light. Over time, we also learned how it works.
Humans have outgrowths called the Amygdala next to the pineal gland, which are largely related to fear processing. I recommend imagining these outgrowths as the ears of a kitten just inside your head. When we get scared, just like a little kitten, the ears go down and the whole body is in a state of fear 4F: "Fight, flight, freeze, feign". And when you fall into such a state, the processing of emotions, moving through them, learning lessons and transformation is stopped. Only the survival instinct and the survival strategy we learned in childhood (one or more of the 4Fs) appear.
For many years, our friend Mirjam Duba has been teaching how to get out of that state. Curiosity helps to do this. If you've ever watched a kitten crouching in a corner, scared, cowering and flattening its ears... and after a while, it sees a fluttering feather toy. Curiosity kicks in, the ears go forward, and the kitten's whole state changes. This conscious activation of curiosity is one of the best ways to get out of the frozen state of fear (instead of "Aaaah, what's going on here?!", we go to "Oh, how interesting, something new, what's going on with me here?...").
But in certain situations, certain people need a little help to make that change happen. And in our experience we have discovered that it is the sense of smell in this case that has the fastest connection with the control of this mechanism. Of course, there are scents that are unpleasant, can trigger that fear/anger reaction, and there are those that can promote release (e.g. Palo Santo or White Sage is a powerful cleansing plant and some people (in some situations) really like its smell, while others find it nauseating – but it feels nauseous because it cleans/encourages something to release). And there are pleasant smells that immediately turn on that curiosity mechanism, because a pleasant smell, even without the intervention of the mind, causes a natural, maybe even subconscious desire to know what smells so nice here - i.e. turns on curiosity, which instantly changes the internal state during difficult processes. Such scents include Agua de Florida, the favorite of Peruvian Shamans, the scent of Blue and White Lotus (in oil or absolute), hydrolats, some essential oils, their mixtures and other pleasant scents. And I would encourage you not to be too categorical if the smell seems to be unpleasant after smelling it once. As we once talked with Lithuanian mineral "king" Vitalijus Šinkariovas- the most suitable minerals are those that are liked the most and those that cause the greatest rejection reaction (because, apparently, they stimulate something to transform). It's the same with smells - if the smell is just neutral or you don't really like it, then maybe you don't need it, but one that you really like or strongly dislike can really help in spiritual work and transformations.
We currently have a variety of Palo Santo products, white sage, blue and other colored lotus products, agua de florida as well as blue lotus incense. A very special tool I want to highlight are the aura sprays from Amanda Ellis - they are one of the most effective olfactory spiritual tools I've ever come accross.