Observing thoughts

Observing thoughts

Excerpt from the book "God is never late...but He is never early either!"


"I want to tell you a story. Once upon a time there were twins who suffered a tremendous trauma in their childhood that created such pain in them that they could not heal.

As they grew up, one of the twins turned the pain inward and developed cancer. Without waiting for anything, his friends gathered around him and prayed for him. He was given the best medical care and everyone felt sorry for him.

The other twin turned his pain outward and punched someone in a fit of rage, and everyone thought what a horrible person he was. The best prosecutors were hired just to convict him and put him in prison.

But the cause of the cancer and the cause of the attack was the same pain. The whole difference was that one of the twins acted aggressively against himself, and the second against another person. Both are equally deserving of compassion and healing. We should not judge either. If we put these twins in front of Jesus, do you think he would only heal the one who was sick with cancer? Of course not. Jesus would have healed the wound that caused each brother's suffering, and both the cancer and the leprosy would have been healed along with that wound.

Not all acts of aggression against another occur because a person carries a wound inside. Sometimes that cruel person has absorbed the aggressive thoughts floating around and expressed them. Sure, you can say that you would never hurt anyone, but if you have ever had an angry or aggressive thought, then that thought has entered the atmosphere, ready to attract some wounded being that would do your dirty work for you. At least you have indirectly contributed to someone's wrongdoing. And when someone is arrested for a heinous crime, another wave of hatred and negativity is unleashed into space, adding to those resources that allow something even worse to happen. And so on. The result is that more and more horrific and shocking crimes have to happen to challenge the attitudes of humanity, thus teaching non-judgment and responding only with the loving energy of compassion! When the time comes when more people send healing thoughts to those who wrong other people or any part of Divine Creation than those who send thoughts of revenge, judgment, anger, your crime rate will decrease, more trees will be planted than cut down, the endangering of species will decline and peace will come to war zones. You will see the absolute truth of the law, "As within, so without."


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