Today, my friend and I talked... About life And finally we touched on the simplest truths. How to behave in any situation.
Everyone has already heard this hundreds of times, but I think it came up today for a reason - maybe someone somewhere needs a reminder (I still need to remind myself from time to time). As Bashar says: "follow your highest excitement".
Our beloved friend Mirjam also has a very wonderful teaching on this topic, which is good to remind ourselves from time to time. If someone asks, offers, asks something, or even if you are considering several options yourself: always see how your body (and heart) reacts to it. Does it open up and say "YES YES YES" or does it shrink back and say "I DON'T WANT..." (and we, in order to be good, helpful, liked, etc., often ignore it and say "yes" even when the body screams " no").
By the way, for those who find it difficult to say "no" and completely close the door to this possibility, I recently learned a small trick. If your body says "no" and your mind says that maybe you should say "yes", just say "NOT NOW" - for some reason that answer seems much less binding and it is much easier to use, at least in the beginning, than saying "no" right away... And usually after giving yourself a little time, the body (and heart) and mind are able to "figure it out" and come to a consensus (i.e. we give time to the mind to understand why the body (and heart) said "no")