Question: "And here is a man who, thanks to certain external characteristics, has the ability to use hundreds of other beings to relieve his boredom? Will god accept him as the loved prodigal son, even though he has ruined so many lives? Is this a mini-apocalyptic teacher sent to earth? for didactic purposes? How would you evaluate, for example, the roles of Stalin and Hitler in the game of souls?"
My answer: "Of course you will accept, even Stalin or Hitler has God in every cell of him and there is absolutely nothing that a person can do to make God love him more or less, because like any plant God loves so much the moment the plant is just a seed, and when it's a small bud, and when it's already a fully blooming plant, and then when it's possible to set fruits, etc.
And I have no doubt that for many souls the Second World War was an extremely important time to experience a variety of experiences that are difficult to experience at other times. How many people have truly experienced what it means to fear, love, brave and risk everything (including life) for the sake of a stranger's life, even in such "playgrounds" of the soul as concentration camps, Siberia, or the war field, where for some there is really no hope left , that they will get out of there alive. And this allowed us, as souls to experience very interesting things - indeed, even in such situations, you can learn and choose, share love or fear with others, and even such a hopeless situation changes by choosing a different approach - even if the outcome seems the same, the core feeling inside changes.
I sincerely believe that there is no such thing on the soul level as a ruined life. Because after all those souls after this experience (which they chose again at the soul level for certain reasons) were reborn again, only having added to the baggage of their experiences. Also, I think everything that happened in the second world war was important for people to learn a little bit about what happens when one nation or people is singled out as "exalted" and another is put down - even now it is still possible find many people who still want to live in such isolation. But, the history of Hitler, the Germans and the Jews is currently a certain internal or external brake for a very large number of such people not to overdo it. After all, there are really few people who want such history to repeat itself - therefore, whether you like it or not, it has encouraged the whole world to learn a little more deeply about unity and cooperation, no matter how different we are.
And if so specifically to talk about Hitler, I have no doubt that he was greeted with absolute love by his guides when he died... only he himself could condemn himself, reviewing his life, deciding what he had learned, what he no longer wanted to repeat, what he still needed to learn, etc. Even those souls who are traumatized by experiences on earth and do not want to return after some kind of "failure" are received with love in the world of souls and simply travel there surrounded by love to heal and bathe in love until they decide for themselves that they would like to travel through experiences on earth again, or somewhere else elsewhere.
Once during my friend's Ieva regressions sessions (which I didn't do very much, because I don't think it's necessary to dig into such a distant past in order to experience what you came to experience this time - but sometimes it's fun to play) I saw a life where I was something like the leader of a group of barbarians. The kind that rides through villages and terrorizes them, kills the whole village with a sword, having raped the women before that. - it can't be more cruel. And you know, when I was emotionally in that regression, I felt what he (well, that me) felt in that life when he behaved like that. it was such an adrenaline rush, a feeling of strength, invincibility. But every soul has experienced both this experience and the one in which it is in the place of the "victim". For me, this was one of the more interesting researches of past lives, because in almost all the others that I researched, I was the "wronged" one, and just by seeing this, you can tell yourself that, wow, what a poor thing I am, I have never wronged anyone so seriously in any life, so what's up with all this, why did this happen to me all the time. And start fearing that energy of aggression. And when you realize that all of us have been on both sides of the "barricades" and that desire for power and the cruelty that comes with it is simply part of the learning of the infantile soul, you can start looking at it from a perspective... Like a small child. Well, you know how it happens, those are called "terrible twos", when two-year-old children try to pull their mother's hair, push and knock down another child and all kinds of other nonsense. This is also a part of learning, so that later you will see that it is still more fun to kiss your mother, and to pick up the fallen one...
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