Awaiting the birth

Awaiting the birth

A text that arrived while I was sleeping...

I hear the ancient call, the call of the ancient mother of the ancestors, the hum of the soul's home. They whisper to me about the journey that awaits me. Journey home deep into yourself. Through silence and sound, through darkness and light, through calm and chaos, through fears and childlike curiosity. Where I came from. In order to bring a new human being from that magical eternal space to our everyday temporary and fragile reality. It is new only here, and there it is as eternal as the home of our soul. A long time ago, we already agreed when and how he would come. And only now, as the meeting is approaching, the feeling comes back little by little, as if I had forgotten something, and now those memories are like a fog, not caught yet, but somewhere nearby... floating. I am looking forward to this trip.

By the way, women have the opportunity to go to this space not only during childbirth, but every month, connecting with their uterus and blood and bringing with them the gifts and support they need at that time. It is a wonderful gift and a miracle that is often so strongly resisted, silenced, and the soul cries out... Resistance to the soul's cry creates strong disharmony in the soul, mind and body. The womb is the gateway. And it helps us find the way to ourselves, home. Sometimes the knocking of the gate becomes very loud, because we often ignore the subtle call... Let's listen to what our womb, our soul is whispering to us - behind that call, many magical gifts await.

Birth altar.

I was making a Sheela na gig statuette in ceramics for a good month exactly for this purpose. Its purpose: to remind that when the time comes, a woman is able to open a large portal through which a baby can come (as in one of the meditations beautifully expressed by the dula Ingula during her training, we can imagine how the most wonderful flower opens and spreads, inside which the baby lives).

The skull is dedicated to the goddess of death, who is believed in some cultures, and as far as I have come across her, to be the guardian of the portal between death and life, so she not only helps to see off the departing, but also helps to welcome the arriving. In some cultures, this goddess is believed to help babies turn upside down in the womb in preparation for their journey.

Statuettes of other Mother Goddesses: Kuan Yin, Kali, Eve, Gabija, Pele, a picture of Mary. A few pictures to help you connect with the feminine: moon women cats, pregnant women and my blood picture of the womb. Blue crystals that represent Archangel Michael to me. The photos of the parents and the little angel who reminds us of the child who came to us a year ago for a very short time, but very much helped us prepare for the arrival of this baby. A birthing candle... And shiva lingam stones, highly recommended for childbirth by our mineral guru Vitalijus

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